Hanging Bridges
Hanging Bridges
Hanging Bridges
Family Friendly
This is a great group activity where all members of the family will enjoy each stop and interact learning the cultural habits of the ancient Costa Ricans.
Easy to Walk
This tour is held on flat terrain. You don't need to wear hiking clothes or shoes. There are no hills or stairs to climb.
Short Distance
It is a half mile walk where you`ll learn about each activity, one after the other. There are places to sit down and rest while you learn from your guide.
Variety of Activities
You`ll have the opportunity to experience seven different activities in one tour. There is no time to get bored. You`ll enjoy the food too.
Prices and Details
Ecocentro Danaus offers Day and Night Guided tours. We highly recommend the guided walk because you´ll learn about the animals, the rainforest and the interaction among them. - Guided visits are held everyday upon request through a written reservation. - Children under 5 yrs old are Free - Transportation is not included on price - Minimum is 4 persons - Children ages are 5 to 10 yrs old
Trip Itinerary
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